Ministries & Service

St. Francis de Sales is a Stewardship Parish. We are continually striving to build a vibrant community in which every parishioner plays an active role. We welcome your talents and gifts!  Guided by the Holy Spirit, we believe that we can make a difference in our community and beyond in the realms of liturgy, service and social justice.  Each Fall season we will conduct a Time and Talent campaign that offers parishioners an opportunity to volunteer for ministry, but you are welcome to volunteer at any time. Please call the Parish Office (262-248-8524) with questions, or contact the representative of the specific ministry you are interested in for more information.



Ushers accomplish many important tasks: They assist with the collections, help parishioners find seating, keep an eye for safety during Mass, and guide people to ensure social distancing.  Currently there is a small but dedicated group of ushers. A number of them are in what is considered a “high risk” population. They want to continue to help, but we need to help them. Many of them do this function every week because there is no assistance.

Would you consider helping?

Please contact Head Usher Jim Dobbler, if you are willing to volunteer at your favorite Mass time.  Training will be provided.


The Archdiocese of Milwaukee is committed to maintaining safe environments for children to learn, pray, and grow, with a  Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal. Every priest, deacon, parish or school staff member, teacher and lay minister that is employed by a parish or school and any volunteer working with minors in our archdiocese is required to meet three requirements described on the Archdiocesan Safe Environment website. If you are contemplating volunteering in a ministry that works with minors, please review the information on the website.