
Confirmation is a Sacrament, instituted by Christ (John 8:14-17), through which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.  The bishop is the ordinary minister of Confirmation. The bishop extends his hands over those who are to be confirmed, prays that they may receive the Holy Spirit, and anoints the forehead of each with holy chrism in the form of a cross. Holy chrism is a mixture of olive-oil and balm, consecrated by the bishop. In anointing the person he confirms the bishop says: “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.”  By anointing the forehead with chrism in the form of a cross is meant, that the Christian who is confirmed must openly profess and practice his faith, never be ashamed of it, and rather die than deny it. Persons of an age to learn should know the chief mysteries of faith and the duties of a Christian, and be instructed in the nature and effects of this Sacrament.  For more information, see the Catechism 1285-1321.

Every baptized person who has not received this sacrament can and should be confirmed, for Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist form a unity of sacraments that bring us into the Church. If someone has not received all three sacraments, the initiation of that person into the Church remains incomplete (CCC1306).

In the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Confirmation is celebrated in the 11th grade. Students are encouraged to attend our High School Religious Ed. Program for 3 years before the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. For more information, or to register for classes, contact Abbey Rosenquist, 262-248-8524 or