Sunday 1/31/21
- CSW Begins- with students sharing their thoughts through essays on Catholic Schools at each mass.
Monday 2/01/21
- PJ Day- all classes
- Pancake Lunch 11:25 cohort grades 1, 2, 3
- Virtual Prayer Service 9:00 Chain for connecting hearts
Tuesday 2/02/21
- Uniform dress for Mass
- Mass 10:30 off campus at Grand Geneva
- Pancake Lunch- 11:25 cohort grades 4 & 5
Wednesday 2/03/21
- Mix up day-uniform bottoms, mixed up tops, socks and etc. (no hats, or no hair coloring)
- Pancake Lunch 12:15 cohort grades 6, 7, 8
- Service Project highlighted (on morning announcements)
- Volleyball Game 8th Grade vs. Staff 3:30-4:30 SFDS Gym
Thursday 2/04/21
- Favorite Character day- each class will dress as a favorite book character, saint, or an influence in the child’s life.
- Pancake Lunch grades Kindergarten & Preschool 11:25
Friday 2/05/21
- Class Color: PK-white, K-navy blue, 1st-black, 2nd– orange, 3rd-green, 4th-grey, 5th-purple, 6th-yellow, 7th-pink, 8th-red, staff-light blue
- Display the snowman stream activity
- See prayer Hearts
- Game day in classrooms
- Early Dismissal 1:00
- With Lunch normal times
- Busses will be provided