Friday 6/7/2024 NO AFTERCARE- With Bussing
Lunch updates!
Thursday 6/6 Chicken strips
Friday 6/7 Lunchable
Lost & Found
Report Cards
4th Qtr report cards are published online only through option c. Let me know if you need your login information.
Yearbooks will be dispersed when the shipment comes in. If you ordered 1 per family it goes home with the oldest child and the others receive a signing book.
2024-25 Sports
Attached is the physical form that is required for playing sports at SFDS. Sports are generally offered to grades 4-8. If you need to know if your students needs an updated one please let me know.
Vacation Bible School
Use this link to sign up for SFDS Vacation Bible School. Flyer attached with information
Raise Right (SCRIP not just for gifts)
Ordering physical cards is over till the beginning of next school year 24-25. You can still support our RaiseRight program by purchasing e-cards and paying with bank or credit cards.
Summer Incentive: Anyone who purchases in June, July and August will get a casual day the first week of school (TBD)
Sign up today and purchase e-cards and pay via credit card or bank account! school code: LE8L45FD2L91LS
See Mrs. Vavrina for more information.
School Year to date we have earned $1029.21! It’s that easy!
As always we thank you for your support!
Summer Solutions
If any of your parents are interested in purchasing Summer Solutions for their child here is the link. They will be able to pay for it and have it shipped directly to them. They will want to order the grade their child is currently in, not the grade they are entering.
Summer day camp riding sessions and un-mounted horsemanship Sessions
Sign up is now available at Lake Geneva Area Equestrian Center. Spots are limited in riding sessions. See attached flyer and Go to Link to sign up:
Questions: Call Cass 262-203-4434
CCHS Enrolling Now
Catholic Central’s over 100 year tradition is better than ever! New classes added for the 2024-25 school year. Contact them today! Flyer attached
CCHS Boys Basketball OPEN GYM
Hosted by Coach Smith
Sunday June 9 5-6pm
Catholic Central High School main gym
Current 5th -7th grade boys
Spots are limited
To reserve your spot email
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