Letter From Fr. Mark

Dear Parishioners,

Watching a commercial on television a few days ago, I noticed a sign that a family had attached to the fence in their front yard.  The message on the sign said: “Hope is not cancelled”.  What a perfect message for us as we celebrate Easter Sunday 2020.  The world is starving for hope right now and the Resurrection story is the greatest source of hope we have.  

The picture of the first Easter morning was bleak. The disciples had believed that Jesus was their hope and the hope of Israel. They thought He was the one who was going to save and deliver them from Roman rule and oppression. Three days earlier their hopes were dashed. All hope was gone, or was it?  Jesus appeared to them.

The women on their way to the garden to anoint the body of Jesus walked in silence and despair, Jesus, the one they had looked to, had been crucified. All hope was gone, or was it?

The stone was rolled away and the tomb empty.

Mary wept as she approached the gardener and asked where they had taken the body of her teacher and friend.  All hope was gone, or was it? She was called by name: “Mary”.

Sometimes when we are in the middle of a crisis, the best thing to do is the hardest – to step back and take a look at the bigger picture.  This pandemic is bringing out the best and worst in human nature; sacrifice and care, hoarding and selfishness. Real hope is more than the wish that this would soon be over and that we could carry on with life as normal. Even though we cannot “go” to church, we “are” the church.  This is an opportunity to reflect hope in how we live and respond to the threat we are facing, and to find renewed hope and joy in the Risen Lord. Alleluia.

My prayers are for you and your family; may you experience a blessed Easter.  May God keep you safe during this time.

May you remain healthy and safe.   

Easter blessings,
Fr. Mark
