Letter From Fr. Mark – March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020 

Dear Parishioners, 

As we hold each other in prayer, I want to share a summary of a recent  letter from Archbishop Jerome Listecki:

“We cannot make decisions out of fear and we must use common sense in making decisions for the pastoral care of our people without taking unnecessary risk. So, after consultation with my Executive Council and the College of Consultors (both by teleconference) and my own deep reflection and prayer, I have come to some additional decisions about our liturgical and pastoral practices during this time of this pandemic.”

  • The Chrism Mass at the Cathedral has been cancelled.  Once the pressing health crisis has passed, we will re-schedule it.
  • The suspension of public daily and Sunday Mass throughout the archdiocese continues in place. 
  • The April 1st day for 12 hours of the Sacrament of Reconciliation throughout the archdiocese will be postponed. While private reconciliation is allowed, please consider the risk before scheduling confessions. 
  • Public celebrations for Holy Week, Holy Thursday and Good Friday are canceled in all of our parishes. I will celebrate both days from the Cathedral and those services will be live-streamed.
  • The suspension of public celebrations of the Eucharist continues for Easter Sunday.  I will celebrate Easter Mass at the Cathedral and that Mass will either be live-streamed or broadcast over network television.  Bishop Schuerman will also offer the Easter Mass from the Cathedral in Spanish. More information about these celebrations will be forthcoming.
  • I must also request the cancelation of the celebration of the Via Crucis (The Way of the Cross) due to the large numbers who gather for it. 
  • The baptisms of the Elect and the receptions into full communion across the archdiocese are postponed until a later diocesan-wide, common date. Please notify those in your RCIA of this news with the assurances that it is not a cancelation but rather a postponement. 
  • Confirmations and First Communions are now postponed until the health crisis has passed. 
  • With the suspension of Masses obviously comes the lack of offertory giving. Please encourage your parishioners to make use of on-line giving and electronic transfer of funds to assist the existence of their parish at this time of crisis. 
  • We know many of your parishioners are suffering financial hardship. As a sign of solidarity with all whose finances are uncertain, the priests’ salaries will be frozen for 2020-2021, which is different than what was previously announced.
  • It will be a challenge to celebrate funerals the way people might like. If there is no way to delay, they need to be cautious about keeping the number of people to a minimum and maintaining the proper social distancing between people. 

Blessings for good health and safety.

Father Mark
