If you regularly attend the 7:30 Sunday Mass, there’s a good chance you received Holy Communion from Elaine Johnson. Being a Eucharistic minister is just one of the many ways Elaine has chosen to serve our parish.
Elaine works at the Keefe Realty office on Edwards Boulevard office assisting real estate agents with most of the paperwork associated with real estate transactions. “ I have a realty license because I am required to have one in order to show real estate but I am more involved in doing the clerical details and assisting agents”, she told us recently. One of those agents is Elaine’s daughter, Debbie Cobian. Elaine also has three other grown children another daughter and two sons.
Elaine’s faith journey began with being raised Catholic, receiving the sacraments, getting married at a young age, having four children and being a wife and mother. But then it took a turn. A difficult marriage contributed to her being less active in the church and eventually to finding herself a divorced mother with four children. Her journey back to a more active faith life came with guidance from our former pastor, Father Dave Braun. He encouraged her to take the steps necessary to clarify her marital status and to get involved in the RCIA.
Since her return to active membership in the church, Elaine has found many ways to contribute to our parish family. In addition to being a Eucharistic minister Elaine regularly launders the albs worn by the altar servers. She has been active in Catholic Daughters and has served as an officer in that organization. Her involvement with Catholic Daughters led her to co-chair the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Women who knit or crochet make shawls for those who are in need of comfort due to illness, loss of a loved one, emotional distress or birth of a new baby. While producing the shawls, the women pray for those who will receive them and then pray when presenting the shawls. Elaine’s commitment to serving others is reflected in part of that prayer : “May the Holy Spirit guide us as we share of our time, talents, prayers and love in this Prayer Shawl Ministry.”