Faith with a Face — Sarah Gray

You might not know her name but you probably recognize her! Sarah Gray has been a cantor and a member of the Chorale for about 10 years. Singing for weddings, funerals, special liturgies, and weekend Masses, she is very dedicated to the music ministry at St. Francis de Sales. In 2006 she became a certified cantor through the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM) which involved a process of written and vocal submissions to a panel of esteemed musicians in Washington DC. “I am very proud to be one of 22 certified cantors in the State of Wisconsin”, she said.

You also might not know that she has headed up the Art and Environment Team here at St. Francis de Sales for the past 7 years. This is the group that decorates the church to keep in sync with the various liturgical seasons. Sarah is in charge of planning the design, knowing the liturgical symbols, ordering the flowers, and overseeing the volunteers who put it all together.

In “real life” Sarah works for 2 parishes, St. Robert Bellarmine and St. Mary in Union Grove as the Director of Administrative Services. She oversees the financial needs of the parishes, building maintenance, communication/website, and human resources. Is it hard to go from work church to volunteer church? “While I enjoy my job and the people in Union Grove very much, I have grown to especially love being part of a faith
community where I can serve and worship, separating my work responsibilities from my spiritual needs. I have met wonderful, lifelong friends”.

Which is her favorite? “While singing is my first love, I especially enjoy the part of Art and Environment that allows me to create a beautiful worship space for others to pray in. Project 2017 is an exciting time in our parish’s history, and I look forward to enhancing our worship in an even more beautiful space”. Thank you Sarah for enriching our liturgies with both beautiful music and design!
