Kid Power

kid-powerSFDS is fortunate to have kids from both our grade school and our religious ed program as part of our wonderful volunteer force. Kids and teens participate as altar servers, readers, greeters, Choir of Angels choir members, Christmas Choir members, Contemporary Choir members, and more. They help those in our community by conducting food drives, baby item drives, and bringing cheer to nursing homes.

They help with parish and school fundraisers and events such as the KC breakfast, the Advent Breakfast, Irishfest, the Chili cookoff, the Fall Festival and more. They participate by volunteering to clean the church, change over the hymnals seasonally, stuff and collate mailings, and come with their families to help decorate the church for Christmas and Easter. Several high school students traveled last summer on a mission trip to build housing for the poor in Harlan, Kentucky. They have very busy schedules with sports and academics but manage to find the time to earn community service hours…sometimes having to get up very early on a Sunday morning! Their compassion and enthusiasm is inspiring! If you happen to see one of our “kids” helping out, please let them know how much they are appreciated. They are the future of our parish!
