Faith with a Face


By Gwen Faust Sarah Gray is multi-talented.  Among her many gifts, she has the voice of an angel, a keen eye for decorating, and a gift for recognizing talent. Her glorious voice can be heard in song as a cantor and as a member of the St. Francis de Sales Sunday morning 10:30 Chorale.  She...
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By Gwen Faust George and Kathy Melcher met backstage while working on a production of “Romeo and Juliet” in a Milwaukee theater.  And, in the course of bringing the characters to life, they created their own love story. They continued to work on a variety of shows together as part of the Milwaukee Players, which...
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Raising a family, charitable works, and traveling the country are part of a lifelong journey for Allen and Lois Maywald. Married 60 years ago, the loving couple bubble with enthusiasm, when looking back over the years, since they met at a high school Junior Achievement class in Chicago. At the time of their wedding, Allen...
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Parishioner Patti Black recently cleared out her things from her classroom at our school for the last time before summer vacation.  She is retiring as our beloved kindergarten teacher after 43 years of service.  This makes her the longest running employee at St. Francis de Sales School and Parish…EVER!  A graduate of UW-Whitewater with a...
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For the past 25 years, Jeanne McCarron has quietly and steadily made a difference at St. Francis de Sales parish in numerous capacities. Initially recruited by Fr. Dave Braun, Jeanne started her volunteer career as a lector and served on the Prayer and Worship committee. She is also a Eucharistic Minister and helps to run...
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For over 40 years, Linda Contant has been a dedicated parishioner and volunteer at St. Francis de Sales parish. She has helped out in many different capacities including being an aide to Rita Leahy for Wednesday Night Religious Ed, teaching her own CCD class, and acting as an usher. Currently she helps out at Mass...
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Natalie Dunn started her “volunteer career” at SFDS in 1986 when she converted to Catholicism and was confirmed. The pastor at that time was Father Yaniak. “I was lucky to receive one on one instruction from Brother De Sales,” she explained.  This started her on the path to strive to learn more about the Catholic...
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Nino Cruz was in the 5th grade at Talcott school on the east side of Chicago.  A tall girl from Guadalajara, Mexico named Sandra joined his class.  She didn’t speak English (and he didn’t speak Spanish!) but they soon became best friends. Sandra’s father insisted that she be immersed in the “all English” classes and...
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Meet the new chairperson of our SFDS Stewardship Committee! You’ve seen her but even more likely you’ve heard her. You will recognize Laura’s face but also her beautiful singing voice which is frequently featured at 9 a.m. Mass. Laura joined the contemporary choir about 15 years ago and has been a driving force in the...
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Rob Bartal has been a tremendous asset to both our school and church by helping us keep current with technology. As our go-to IT guy, he has not only donated his services but has saved the day many times! He and his family moved to Williams Bay from Glenview in 2003. They decided to send...
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