St. Francis de Sales parish celebrated a beautiful Easter Vigil by initiating six new members into the Catholic church. Juana Hernandez and Ida Tarczynski were baptized, confirmed and received their first Communion. Mark Winkelman was received into the church and confirmed. All three have been attending RCIA formation classes and participated in the special Rites...Read More
Download/View>> Troy Glaus recibi? esteroides anab?licos de Signature Pharmacy tadalista ?qu? es el s?ndrome compartimental? cirug?a, s?ntomas, tratamientoRead More
Students from St. Francis de Sales Parish School pose with some of the 75 baby items they brought in for the Works of Mercy drive at the school Mass on Wednesday, April 3. Students also brought in more the 55 packages of juice boxes and more than 70 packages of socks on previous weeks for...Read More
For the past 25 years, Jeanne McCarron has quietly and steadily made a difference at St. Francis de Sales parish in numerous capacities. Initially recruited by Fr. Dave Braun, Jeanne started her volunteer career as a lector and served on the Prayer and Worship committee. She is also a Eucharistic Minister and helps to run...Read More
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